Raking waste and brushwood, Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy
Raking waste and brushwood, Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy

Raking waste and brushwood

What is garden waste?

Garden waste refers to brushwood and branches as well as raking waste. When tidying up the yard, you should load the garden waste onto e.g. a trailer, with any leaves and grass placed at the bottom and brushwood on top. As they are collected onto separate pallets at the waste stations, packing them separately facilitates unloading.

Brushwood and branches

  • branches and trunks of shrubs and other ligneous plants
  • small tree stumps that can be carried by hand
  • tree branches and trunks that can be carried by hand

Raking waste

  • leaves, moss, grass
  • weed waste
  • conifer cones
  • apples (not ones infected with fruit rot)
  • hedge clippings
  • sawdust

Brushwood and raking waste reception points

Kiimassuo waste centre
Kiimassuontie 127, 30420 Forssa

Akaa waste station
Hämeentie 521, 37800 Akaa

Hallavaara waste centre
Luvalahdentie 323, 27710 Köyliö

Loimaa waste station
Kirveskallio, Myllykyläntie 120, 32200 Loimaa

Loimaan Kaukolämpö Oy
Saarikontie 17, 32200 Loimaa

Sastamala waste station
Pesurinkatu 179, 38200 Sastamala

Enermet Oy
Väinäntie 7, 38300 Sastamala

Municipality of Urjala
The area in the immediate vicinity of the municipality’s central wastewater treatment plant. Tree stumps are also accepted, but you must first call the plant manager before bringing in stumps.

Page updated 14.12.2023 at 11:03

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