Municipal waste, Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy
Municipal waste, Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy

Municipal waste

Municipal waste reception

Municipal waste refers to waste comparable to household waste that is generated by households and public services. The common characteristic of this waste is that it falls under the waste management organised by the municipality.

  • Compression vehicles: Waste centres of Kiimassuo and Hallavaara and Sastamala waste station
  • Skip bins: Waste stations of Kiimassuo, Loimaa, Hallavaara, Sastamala and Akaa
  • Reception of loads transported in a van or the trailer of a personal vehicle and smaller batches: Waste stations of Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto

Page updated 14.12.2023 at 11:12

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