Public administration

Changes to the waste management of public administrative and service operations

Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto is responsible for organising the waste management of packaging waste for the public administrative and service operations of municipalities as of 1 July 2023. This covers the collection and transport of glass, metal, plastic and cardboard packaging. Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto is responsible for organising the waste management of all biodegradable waste generated by municipal service operations as of 1 September 2023. Prior to this, the waste management of packaging waste on municipal properties was the responsibility of private service providers. 

Collection must be organised if the amount of biodegradable waste, packaging waste or small metal items generated exceeds the weekly weight limit specified in the Decree on Waste.

Weights (kg) specified in the Decree:

  • biodegradable waste 10 kg (not garden waste)
  • fibre packaging waste 5 kg
  • plastic packaging waste 5 kg
  • glass packaging waste 2 kg
  • metal packaging waste and small metal items 2 kg

Operators operating on the same property may organise separate collection jointly. Collection can also be organised as a voluntary service even if the weekly weight limits are not met.

Page updated 20.2.2024 at 08:33

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