
Composting allows the waste to be treated at the source, making it unnecessary to transport or treat it elsewhere. This contributes to the protection of the environment and reduces the emissions generated by waste transport.

Another reason why composting is worthwhile is because it allows you to turn your biodegradable waste into valuable soil conditioner for your garden and help the nutrients return to the natural cycle. Compostable household waste includes biodegradable waste from the kitchen as well as raking waste and green waste from the garden.

As much as one third of all household waste consists of organic material, and you can save in waste management costs by sorting it. You can reduce the emptying frequency of your mixed waste bin to up to 12 weeks by composting your biodegradable waste or by collecting it separately.

Composting notification

If you compost food waste you are required to submit a composting notification. No notification is required for composting garden waste. This notification obligation applies to the entire operating area of Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto and to both permanent and free-time residencies (based on the Waste Act).

You can submit a composting notification here or through the e-services of the Waste Committee (form available in Finnish only).

Page updated 16.2.2024 at 13:37

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