Adjusting down the waste charge

Adjusting down the waste charge

The Waste Committee has rights to make exceptions of the waste tariffs and interruptions of waste transportations (upon application) in certain cases such as:

  • The official sales of property
  • Pending inheritance
  • Long-term hospital or institutional care of the property owner
  • Property is officially uninhabitable (statement from an external construction expert or other official documents are needed)
  • Renovation of the property
  • A temporary move or a long holiday trip

A low equipment level (e.g. no electricity) is not sufficient grounds for adjusting down the waste charge.

The online application forms are available on the Waste Committee website at (available in Finnish only).

You can also print out the forms or request a printout from the customer service team of Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto and send the forms by post or scan and email them to the address below:

City of Forssa
Waste Committee
P.O. Box 62
30101 FORSSA

Waste Committee contact information:
Tel. +358 (0)3 4141 5336
Tel. +358 (0)3 4141 5329

Page updated 9.2.2024 at 09:21

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