LHJ Group

Owners of Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy

Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy is owned by 16 municipalities. The company was founded in 1995, and the most recent owner municipalities to join the company did so in 2016.

Years of joining:

1995: Forssa, Humppila, Jokioinen, Somero, Tammela, Urjala and Ypäjä
1996: Akaa, Koski Tl, Loimaa, Oripää and Punkalaidun
2001: Sastamala
2016: Huittinen, Eura and Säkylä

Company values

Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy and its joint ventures Cool Finland Oy, Suomen Materiaalikierrätys Oy, Suomen Erityisjäte Oy and Suomen Tietoturva Oy provide their customers with waste processing services under Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy’s environmental permit with the following focuses:

Curiosity towards new things

We keep an open mind in following the development of the waste management field in Finland and abroad and strive actively to seek, find and develop new service business for the market within the focus areas of the LHJ Group companies.


We actively develop, update and diversify our existing operations to ensure their continued high level of quality.

Service orientation

We cooperate reciprocally with all of our stakeholders with the aim of improving our operations continuously and ensuring customer satisfaction. We openly and honestly inform all of our stakeholders about the environmental impacts of our operations.


Our aim is to increase the recycling and recovery of waste and carry out processing activities with minimal environmental impacts. We adhere to and observe the legislation and official regulations as well as national and regional goals. When planning and implementing the processing services, we strive to meet the environmental, quality and safety objectives set and review their fulfilment on a regular basis.

We take safety requirements related to staff, information and premises into account and set aside sufficient resources to make sure that they are respected. We make sure to train our staff and maintain their professional expertise and also ensure that all employees are aware of the environmental and safety impacts of their work.


Through the efficient utilisation of resources, we work to provide a good foundation for operational development and profitable waste management operations. The LHJ Group’s companies, stakeholders and collaborators efficiently leverage each other’s expertise, staff and technologies. 

LHJ Group

The LHJ Group is a group related to Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy that is formed by six companies, which offer services to households, businesses and public administration units. The group operates nationally and also partly internationally in the Nordic countries and the Baltic countries. 

Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy
Suomen Erityisjäte Oy
Suomen Tietoturva Oy
Suomen Materiaalikierrätys Oy
Cool Finland Oy
Taraste Circular Economy Area


The strategy of Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy and its subsidiaries is guided by the ISO 9001 standard for quality management systems, the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management systems and the ISO 45001 standard for occupational health and safety management.

Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto has had an ISO 14001 certified environmental management system since 2004, an ISO 9001 certified quality management system since 2012 and an ISO 45001 certified occupational health and safety management system since 2020. The operating system meets international quality and environmental requirements (ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 45001:2018). Through our operating system, we make sure that the values of our permits and authorisation decisions, as well as emission values, meet the requirements. We systematically develop quality and the factors contributing to it.

Page updated 20.2.2024 at 09:40

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