Detached houses and free-time residents, Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy
Detached houses and free-time residents, Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy

Detached houses and free-time dwellings

Waste management services for residents

Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy offers separate collection and waste station services for residents. The company is tasked with organising the municipal waste management services defined in legislation in its owner municipalities. This covers the collection of municipal waste as well as various collection, transport and expert services.

We are responsible for the collection of biodegradable and packaging waste in 16 municipalities. We also organise supplementary collection of municipal waste on properties designated by our Waste Committee.

In our operating area, we run nine waste stations that accept household waste free of charge or for a small charge, depending on the waste type. Additionally, we maintain several Ekoteko (lit. ‘action for the environment’) points that accept hazardous waste free of charge. We also offer the customers in our operating area the Pärinä pick-up service, which picks up large waste items directly from the property and transports the waste to the processing facility for a fixed charge.

Page updated 9.2.2024 at 08:32

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